Statistikk HD
| AD
| Utstilling
| A | A | 4 X BIR puppy, 2 x BIM BIG2 puppy BIG3 puppy BIG4 puppy
6 CK as junior 2 CAC as junior 2 rec cac as junior
10 CK in intermed clas 5 CAC, 1 rec cert, 1 rec CACIB
Norsk, Svensk, Dansk, Nordisk Champion 2,5 years
2 best female int exib with CAC 9 mounth in DK 3 best female nat exib with CAC 9 mounth in Norway 4 best female spesiality in Norway CAC 18 mounth 2 best female with rec cert og rec cacib My Dog 2016. 4 4 best female Day one My Dog 2016

Oversikt utstillingsresultater 24.05.2014 | Puppyshow | Baarud, N
| Stine Bø, N
| puppy 4-6
| Promissing, BIG2, | 07.06.2014 | Speciality | TorpomoenN
| Edd Biwin, US
| puppy 4-6
| Very promissing, 2
| 21.06.2014 | Int.
| Vejen, DK
| Jochen Eberhardt, D
| baby 3-6
| Very promissingBIR/BOB | 22.06.2014 | Int
| Vejen, DK
| Benny BildvonSchwedin S
| baby 3-6
| 2 4-6 mnd
| 05.07.2014 | Speciality | TrondheimN
| Birgitte Schoth, DK
| puppy 4-6
| Very promissing,BOB
| 12.07.2014 | National
| Skien, N
| Dagmar Klein | puppy 4-6
| 2 4-6 mnd
| 13.07.2014 | National | Skien, N
| Pedro Sanches Delure, P Viktor Lobakin, Asjerb.
| puppy 4-6
| Big 2